Working with the future?!?


Working with the future?!?

This activity is only available in italian

Ti proponiamo un estratto di 3 minuti dell'incontro con Roberto Poli che si è tenuto in STEP FuturAbility nell'ambito del programma scientifico culturale.

The complexity of the contemporary world and ever-increasing levels of uncertainty require new policy frameworks and tools to help people, organisations and communities understand and prepare for the coming changes. Future studies (also known as strategic forecasting or anticipation theory) serves precisely this purpose. We will try to understand what it means to "work with the future," who and how they work with the future. We will find, for example, that all major international institutions are already doing this. We will then be able to understand why the usual planning tools are no longer sufficient, and we will be able to distinguish between real and not so real futures.

Roberto Poli is a full professor at the University of Trento. He holds the UNESCO Chair on Anticipatory Systems and directs the master's program in social forecasting at the University of Trento. Poli is president of AFI - the Association of Italian Futurists - and of Skopìa, an innovative start-up from the University of Trento that offers professional-level anticipation services.

He has published 7 volumes (the latest is Working with the Future, Milan, Egea 2019) and over 250 scientific papers.

Programme appointments must be booked and this can be done online, subject to availability.